If a better pair of shoes doesn’t solve your foot pain…
… Don’t think trying another pair will do it.
Many people make this mistake, thinking that a certain pair of shoes will be the answer to their foot problem.
They’ll purchase multiple shoes and hope one will be the answer.
It would be wonderful if that were the case.
Some foot pain does improve from better shoes.
But, more often than not, the relief from better shoes is short-lived.
So, what are the best shoes?
It depends.
Because here’s the thing…
Everyone’s feet, body frame, and activity level are different.
Often with shoes, you get what you pay for. But, you don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars for a quality pair.
Foot pain that lasts for a couple of weeks and doesn’t respond to better shoes typically should be addressed by a specialist.
Don’t fall into the trap of purchasing multiple pairs of shoes when this rarely solves the problem.
Besides relieving foot pain, we also enjoy giving your pocketbook a break.