Although spring is here and March Madness has begun, it’s still cold out, so don’t put away those winter boots just yet. There could be a Nor’easter on the way, and with it, winter boots covered with snow, salt and sand. With everything that is carried into the house on your boots you and your family may take off your boots before coming into the house. When guest come over, you may want to ask them to take off their shoes in your home too, but what if your guest don’t want to take off their shoes because of embarrassing foot odor?
Some People Feel Uncomfortable Asking Friends to Take Off Their Shoes in Their Home:
- As a Host or Hostess, you might not want to clean up the dirt, salt, or whatever else your guests track in OR you may have nice floors that you don’t want scuffed up by your guest’s boots.
- As a guest, you might not feel comfortable taking off their shoes because of a problem with foot odor.
Most people will have foot odor at some point in their lives, but for some, it may be a sign of a more serious problem such as Athlete’s Foot, Fungal Toenails, or even an open wound.
Foot Odor: What Causes it?
Some people have foot odor no matter how well they take care of their feet, and even washing their feet can’t fix the problem.
Athletes Foot:
Athlete’s Foot is a bothersome skin problem caused by fungi. The fungal infection itself doesn’t cause a foot odor problem, but some types of bacteria like a warm, moist environment causing a bacterial infection. It is the bacterial infection that causes the foot odor.
Fungal Toenails:
Unfortunately, Athlete’s Foot and Fungal Toenails go hand in hand (or foot in foot!) Nail fungus lives underneath the toenail, and because of the closed in space, can cause a foot odor problem.
Open Wounds:
Anyone can get a wound on their foot, but usually it heals without much effort. However, diabetics develop something called peripheral neuropathy, which is a loss of sensation that commonly affects the feet. This places them at a higher risk of getting injured without knowing it. If a diabetic has foot odor they should always go to the doctor to make sure it isn’t an underlying infection that they can’t see.
If you have any of these concerns, schedule an appointment at Hollowbrook Foot Specialists in Wappingers Falls to get it checked out. Don’t be embarrassed by foot odor, call us now to schedule your appointment. (845) 298 – 9074.
By: David Schlam